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you are the life you dream of. 

So many people are searching for an escape from the pain, and there are plenty of people who will sell you the hack to avoid the pain, numb the pain, psychologize the pain, manipulate the pain, bypass the pain, fix the cause of the pain.

What if instead of dancing around it, you had the capacity, the courage, the heart to truly, actually feel. Not just name your feelings and explain where they came from, but to relax into feeling your aliveness in all its various forms.

This life IS your dream. Being alive IS feeling. And our bodies are capable of feeling so much more than we let them. We are vessels for life, it is time we start living fully. 

Our bodies are meant to feel the shifts of nature, not just learn about them mentally. Our bodies are designed to interact with plants, not just admire their flowers. Our bodies are made to know what's happening in our direct environment.

To get there, you have to be willing to feel. You have to actually inhabit your body. Beyond the emotional rollercoaster is true wisdom. Let's go. It is time. 

about me

energy and embodiment mentor

I am here to activate and empower the spark within you; so that you are aligned with, and ready for the dream that is waiting to come through you. 


I am driven by a deep love for humanity and a curiosity about what is possible for us. I have a talent for fusing practicality with the woo and offer a grounded perspective.  My education has always blended with my vocation and it ranges from intensive study of a specific lineage of sorcery, a Masters in Spiritual Science,  professional ballet, yoga curriculum creation, business consulting, festival planning, and the ultimate intiation: motherhood. 

I am trained in several forms of energy work. My range is vast so that I can meet you where you are. I am not afraid to get in the muck with you. I am not afraid to call you to a space beyond what you think is possible. 

You are my inspiration. This time is our catalyst. I see your gifts and I want them to bust out of the cultural cage they have been hiding in. 

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The Threshold: the intiatory course on the path of true liberation

Take class with me at Studio Bloom: Yoga for pre and postnatal mamas. Empowering women through strength and movement. 

I recently co-authored a book on my journeys into the spiritual realms under the guidance of Teo Alfero.

Transmission: An Anthology on Consciousness, Dreaming and Heart 

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